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Accordion Category Menu Opencart 2.3

Accordion Category Menu Opencart 2.3

Accordion category menu for opencart 2.3seperate css file for custom styleclickable menu heads/ drop..

$3.33 $9.99

admin Order Status Template for OC 2.x
Auto fill product model number

Auto fill product model number

Auto fill product model numberThis Extension works on VQMOD. It's sole purpose is to add a unique st..


Convert Currency Dropdown to Noticeable Country with currency Selection Dropdown

Convert Currency Dropdown to Noticeable Country with currency Selection Dropdown

This vqmod changes the layout for the top menu currency dropdown to more noticeable country and curr..


Delivery Countdown Timer Create Sale Urgency One Day Shipping V3

Delivery Countdown Timer Create Sale Urgency One Day Shipping V3

Delivery Countdown TimerThis extension can be used to display a countdown timer on home page, catego..

$59.00 $130.00

Display Subcategory Products Into Parent Category Opencart

Display Subcategory Products Into Parent Category Opencart

This VQmod will make the subcategory products visible while browsing a parent category in opencart s..

$3.50 $10.00

Fix OCMod Vqmod modifications for twig files OC,,

Fix OCMod Vqmod modifications for twig files OC,,

This mod is for opencart, or mod will fix Twig bug in your opencart..


Hot Items or Recent Product View Activity Checker

Hot Items or Recent Product View Activity Checker

This module enables you to check the change in the product views since you checked it last time.This..


Multiple Featured Block With Custom Heading - Featured-Clone

Multiple Featured Block With Custom Heading - Featured-Clone

This module is used to rename the featured block heading which is displayed on the frontend based on..

$4.99 $10.00

Print Invoice Shortcut On Order Listing

Print Invoice Shortcut On Order Listing

The Vqmod adds a print invoice button for each order on the order listing page. This helps printing ..


Product Availablity Change Based On Currency Country Change And Product Location

Product Availablity Change Based On Currency Country Change And Product Location

This is a VQmod. Thid module will change product add to cart button to not available based on produc..


Product Maximum Order Quanity Restriction OC 1.5x, 3.x

Product Maximum Order Quanity Restriction OC 1.5x, 3.x

This module allows admin to restrict maximum quantity of each product that can be purchased in one o..


Product Views Counter on Product Page

Product Views Counter on Product Page

This VQMOD will add a text on product page which will show the number of time/times the page is seen..


RJ Advance Discussion Forum for Opencart 3.x

RJ Advance Discussion Forum for Opencart 3.x

This extension allows customers to post topics and replies on the forum. A topic can have multiple r..

$99.00 $150.00

RJ Category Wall Module OC 2.x

RJ Category Wall Module OC 2.x

This module list out the desired categories as a product grid with image and with zoom-in animation ..


Showing 1 to 15 of 23 (2 Pages)